Got your dancin’ shoes on?  Today begins the Ultimate Blog Party  hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom which will run through March 9th.  What is a Blog Party do you ask?  Well I’m still figuring it out myself…It just sounded like fun and they are giving away free stuff  :)  My understanding is that we’ll be signing a list which is an invitation for new friends to come visit your personal party palace.  Ya’ll, I hope I win something!  I have never won anything in my life except for the 4th Grade County Spelling Bee for which I got a Lovely Plaque.  I won on ‘lasagna’.  The other kid totally missed the ‘g’.  What I’m trying to say is, I’m just way overdue a good prize.

If you are stopping by here as a result of Mr. Linky,  Welcome!  There’s lots here to encourage your faith.  Even more to make you leave here thinking, ‘well at least I’m not as weird as that girl’.  Personally, I always feel better knowing I’m not ‘the only one’.  My girlfriends refer to this little sistahood as the Loser Mom’s Club.  You have to be really special to get in. 

So to comment today, share your favorite ‘Loser Mom’ story.  You know, the thing you have done or are still doing that sets you apart as the Worse Mom Ever.  For mine, read this.  I’ll post the winner of the best story along with your induction into the Club. 

May the Biggest Loser Win!

UPDATE:  To encourage ‘De-Lurking’, The Preacher’s Wife is giving away a prize of her own! At the end of the week, my kids will conduct a random drawing for the book, Checklist for Life…for Moms.  It is a new copy and a great little Mommy Encourager!  You only need to comment on this post to win! :)