Okay, put on your church hats. I have a few questions as a follow up to the Ministry Survey on Saying No.

As I’ve been working on this book chapter, it occurs to me that no isn’t always possible – or is it?

For example, ministry wives, what would you do?

Let’s just say your church has a very important ministry that is vital in your community. Currently, you and your husband lead that ministry but as your schedules have become increasingly busy, you realize you aren’t giving it your all and it’s time for someone else to take over.

Suppose you make an appeal many times over and no one steps forward. Do you let this Very Important Ministry go or do you suck it up and do it anyway because to drop it would be a great detriment to the testimony of your church? Have you ever been in this situation?

Lay People:

Has a Very Important Ministry of your church ever been discontinued for this purpose? Honestly, did you blame your pastor?

I really need some input here girls. I have to be honest and say I’m a little stuck on this one….