I know it is a really crazy time for me to be talking about a possible next book/bible study project, but this morning in my prayer time God continued to impress upon me a potential topic that I feel is huge: The Secret Lives of Women.

Do you have a secret? Lots of women do. I do. Each of us holds things deep in the recesses of our hearts that colors the way we move throughout the world. In my prayers on this subject, I wonder:

1. Do we try to keep our secret from God? (As if He doesn’t know) Or perhaps we are just in denial with Him about the way it truly affects our relationship with Him and others.

2. Do we always have to tell it? Is there a time we can confess it to God, stop it, release it, process it through Scripture – whatever – and then walk away?

3. What are we afraid of? Who are we trying to protect by holding on so tightly?

4. To what lengths are we willing to go to keep it? Will we become a habitual liar to keep people from knowing we lied once?

5. What does it feel like when we do some truth-telling? To lay still and let God open us up and do a little secret-otomy. We know we can trust God to still accept us, but can we trust what people will do to us with the information? Can we handle it?

6. What kinds of things do we lie about? S*x, Money, Abuse, Addiction..??

7. Does our secret even have to be something big? If who we claim to be doesn’t add up to who we are in reality, does that make us a pretender? I love the meaning of the word conscience – it means, “to see throughout, transparency”. Is there consistency between our hearts and our hands?

Those are just a few random thoughts on my brain this morning. I had to purge or they would be forever lost. I’d love your feedback on the subject. Does any of this speak or am I just weird? :) And in the spirit of the post, please feel free to remain anonymous if there is something personal you would like to share.